
Lysa består at to ESP32 som er kopla til kvar sine addresserbare RGB LEDS. Eine LED-stripen har 50 leds, den andre har 51. Brun ledning er til GND, oransje ledning til VIN og raud til pin 13.


Koden er henta frå: https://www.hackster.io/glowascii/neopixel-leds-arduino-basics-126d1a

Kode for lys
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
  #include <avr/power.h>

// Which pin on the Arduino is connected to the NeoPixels?
// On a Trinket or Gemma we suggest changing this to 1
#define PIN 13           

// How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino?
#define NUMPIXELS      50

// When we setup the NeoPixel library, we tell it how many pixels, and which pin to use to send signals.
// Note that for older NeoPixel strips you might need to change the third parameter--see the strandtest
// example for more information on possible values.
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

int delayval = 500; // delay for half a second

void setup() {
  // This is for Trinket 5V 16MHz, you can remove these three lines if you are not using a Trinket
#if defined (__AVR_ATtiny85__)
  if (F_CPU == 16000000) clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1);
  // End of trinket special code

  pixels.begin(); // This initializes the NeoPixel library.

void loop() {

  // For a set of NeoPixels the first NeoPixel is 0, second is 1, all the way up to the count of pixels minus one.

  for(int i=0;i<NUMPIXELS;i++){

    // pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255
    pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(150,0,0)); // Moderately bright green color.

    pixels.show(); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware.

    delay(delayval); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds).

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