No more "fuck"





The purpose of the pulse shaper is to take the input signal X1 and transform it to be suitable for a DRSSTC, in addition to not letting harmful signals through. The pulse shaper in this implementation is built separate from the driver. The first step in the pulse shaper is to transform the input signal X1 to two level as shown in fig. 2.2.

Here we see that the transformation to two level is done with a schmidt trigger, we also see that the pulse following immediately after the second pulse is suppressed wich will be explained below. Then the triggering signal X2 is two level and contains two pieces of information from X1, the frequency fX2 (tone) and the volume (intensity). Where the frequency fX2 = 1 TP is given by the time TP between the positive flanks of the signal. This is the base harmonic of the acoustic tone heard at the output 2.1. Pulse shaper 7 of the system. The volume is given by the duty cycle of the pulses D = TH TP. Figure 2.3 shows different tones (varying TP ),

and fig. 2.4 shows different volumes (varying TH).

We also need to prevent harmful signals, meaning signals that may lead to destructive failure at the output. This is done by limiting the max duty cycle of the pulses as well as limiting the frequencies allowed. The duty cycle of the pulses is limited by choosing a maximum time THM the pulse is allowed to be high, this time is independent of the frequency. This means the preset max duty cycle is dependent on the frequency of the pulse. Limiting the frequencies allowed is done by choosing a minimum time TPM after a pulse goes high until X2 is allowed to go high again. How this can be implemented is not discussed any further in this thesis. But this thesis should give the basis for choosing maximum and minimum values for TH and TP.

S0 (T-Hi)S1 (Min T-Lo)
05 - 1000uS180 - 344uS
15 - 900uS165 - 324uS
25 - 800uS156 - 306uS
35 - 700uS146 - 286uS
45 - 600uS136 - 268uS
55 - 500uS128 - 246uS
65 - 451uS115 - 226uS
75 - 402uS106 - 205uS
85 - 352uS96 - 188uS
95 - 303uS86 - 167uS
A5 - 252uS76 - 145uS
B5 - 203uS65 - 126uS
C5 - 154uS56 - 105uS
D5 - 104uS45 - 85uS
E5 - 53uS35 - 75uS
F5 - 5uS30 - 65uS

T-HiMin T-Lo
Fuck0 - 554uS0uS



V0.1 (2014)


  1. Laget fra bunn av basert på black box karakterisering av fuck


  1. Tonen kan henge seg opp.


Release: 2016-10-19


  1. Fjernet midi funksjonalitet (flyttes til eget kort)
  2. Laget kortet på nytt (med ny specrunde)
  3. Skrevet FW fra bunn


  1. Mangler testpoint for GND

Produserte kort



TeslaskuffenBuggen er kanskje fikset men prosjektet ble avsluttet grunnet for kort tid igjen til 95års jubileet til Omega. Har ligget i teslaskuffen siden




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